Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Where To Find Raw Diamonds

defended the right of indigenous peoples, International Observer Report Rybarczyk

------------ Ban Ki-moon defended the right of indigenous peoples to be heard
UN Secretary General stressed the importance of fulfilling the legitimate aspirations of peoples
Tuesday February 15, 2011

The recent debate about emergency ordinances 001 and 002 not must have gone unnoticed by the general secretary of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, visiting Lima.

The South Korean in his meeting with the press, openly supported the right of indigenous peoples of Peru and Latin America to complain and raise their demands to their governments, and with it, thus the right to be consulted about the mining operations of any kind in their territories.

"In Peru and other countries of the region's indigenous peoples' rights remain an issue of concern," Ban said, according to AFP, after the reception of President Alan Garcia at the Government Palace.

The UN secretary general stressed that the agency "gives great importance to (the State) to fulfill its legitimate aspirations (of Indians) through consultation and participation."

After the serious questions about the openness that has had little management García Pérez to hear the claims of peasants and ethnic groups rather than the demands of investors and entrepreneurs , Who originated the "Baguazo" and that still causes negative export gas to the project Majes Siguas II and Tia Maria Ban mining project is not reserved to support indigenous peoples and their right to be heard.

therefore said that the achievements of the outgoing administration should now be spread "equally to all vulnerable populations, especially in rural areas, where the majority of indigenous peoples here in Peru."


-------- Report Marie-Christine Rybarczyk, an international observer in the process of Cañete. (Marie chirstine Rybarczyk-oi-wmft)

find (e) the Mapuche imprisoned in Lebu. Half of them were present in the courtroom with their families. The atmosphere was very different to that experienced in Chol-Chol when we visited (e) the young prisoners.

The difference in temperature between the two places could be explained not only by the years of struggle and repression that separate them, but also the differences that mark the Mapuche communities between them.
then describe what they told me:

The pressure from forestry companies that dominate the economy, it sits directly on the Mapuche. Years ago these companies involved and try to occupy the lands to which they try to use every means to criminalize the struggle of the Mapuche and thus take over the land. All this, thanks to the complicity of the State and the Chilean justice system. There are many prosecutors and judges who obey dictates emanating directly from companies, forestry, hydropower, looking to buy rivers, lakes and operators of minerals. So get rid of them understand the vital elements: trees, plants, water, wildlife and humans, which are the very richness of the Mapuche.

Under the order of a prosecutor or a judge, military camps temporarily installed in the heart of a community with a mission to protect forestry. Thus, prosecutors spread terror, which can be seen and tested in everyday life.

current Mapuche prisoners are accused of theft of wood, fire and assault on a prosecutor October 15, 2008 where there was a military invasion of a community. In that operation saw the existence of a "vanguard organization" politicized and it was "decapitating the movement" The Mapuche fought with sticks and stones that transform them into potential murderers to eliminate. The main problem is that no flagrant evidence of the crimes for which they are accused, however, all means of pressure, intimidation and repression, relentlessly applied.

Mapuche prisoners of this prison demand:
"To be recognized as political prisoners (in Chile are judged as community members, ie members of a community land, and thus" benefit from the advantages "that delivers inmate's status, political.

-The first in a dialogue between the authorities Mapuche and the Chilean authorities.

-May clearly positions the prosecutor's office.

-The non-application of the antiterrorism law.

-The abolition of this law.

And finally, they can find real support of international organizations, which they are very absent. There would be no formal solidarity towards the Mapuche political prisoners.
I attended one day of proceedings in the Court of Cañete. Moral decadence and Circus exhibited at this conference, clearly shows the will of the prosecution by delaying the time, and determined to cause exhaustion of the prisoners and their advocates. The young judge seems to be absent, incompetent, except when it comes to reject the requests of lawyers defense.

I believe we should withdraw from this farce and demand a fair and impartial trial.

I got the impression that the only utility that has the presence of friends, families and international observers in this trial is to raise the mood of prisoners and of course, spread the word about this travesty of justice that should embarrass Chilean justice and alarm the international organizations and governments of other countries. ----------

key week trial Mapuche in Chile. (written by Tania Peña-wmft Prensa Latina) 15 February 2011 - The trial of 17 community members of the Mapuche ethnic group, accused in the south of Chile under the challenged antiterrorism law defining a week starting today with the presentation of closing arguments.
The Indians have two years in prison and in the second half of 2010 staged a hunger strike more than 70 days to reject the application on the causes of that rule, a legal instrument imposed by the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet (1973 - 1990).
should be acquitted. You can not condemn the Mapuche under this law, under a judicial assembly prepared and paid for by the prosecution. We are attentive and a negative decision will trigger a huge reaction of the Mapuche people, warned of the impending conclusion of the process spokesman Jorge Huenchullán commoners.
started more than three months, the trial has been disqualified by international observers, opposition political sectors in Chile, representatives of indigenous people and spokespersons for the detainees. Defender Road Pelayo challenged the prosecution to present witnesses illegal funds as faceless and called evidence of context. Similarly
the Chile representative of the American Association of Jurists, Graciela Alvarez, said the Attorney General pays false witnesses. This process does not lead the court, but lawyers for the large forest companies in the area, reported to the expert, quoted by Radio Universidad de Chile.
For Red Digital Journal Chile have been "three months of lies, coercion of witnesses in and out of court, subsequent to the defense objections that limited their work, racist outbursts and permissive judges of all these violations covered by the Terrorism Act. A large and rough assembly that does not stand scrutiny. "
Tuesday February 15, 2011 - University are in favor of Mapuche on trial in Cañete. (Posted by Camila Navarrete is Information Néstor Aburto-radio-wmft biobio) In Cañete Closing arguments began the trial of 17 Mapuche accused of terrorist association. The hearing was marked by the change of counsel made by the Government as plaintiff, according to spokesmen situation is taken as a gesture of the executive.

With shouts and placards outside the court Cañete, dozens of university students who came from Valparaiso to support the so-called Mapuche cause, left the closing arguments.
This, in the trial of 17 Mapuche, many of them accused of terrorist association and where the prosecution requested more than 100 years in prison in the case of so-called leader of the CAM, Hector Llaitul.
Therefore, during the first hours of exposure in closing arguments, prosecutor Andrew Cruz reinforced his theory that the defendants formed an organization to steal wood delict and impart fear in the vicinity of the lake
Lleu-Lleu. Cruz
again reminded that as wiretapping and faceless witnesses sought to prove that there was an organization, both in operation and substance of the facts.
Against this, the public criminal defense Pelayo Vial, who could present on Wednesday, said that in the closing stages and explain the errors as the intention of investigating this case.

Meanwhile, was surprising given the change of counsel who conducted the Ministry of Interior, pulling Piergentili Rodrigo, who had particularly in recent weeks, generated controversy because of the way to act on stage, leaving his replacement Guillermo Leyton. Change
lawyer who according to spokeswoman Llanquileo Nativity is an expression of the executive, but should result in changing the way they act.
For now the expectation of the relatives of the Mapuche are given in the Government's decision on the reformulation of terrorist crimes, as might have been compromised during the hunger strike.
http://www.radiobiobio.cl/2011/02/15/universitarios-se-manifiestan-a-favor-de-comuneros-mapuche-en-juicio-en-canete/ -------

The project aims to change parole. (By Cristian Sanhueza, UDP-law graduate of common sense-wmft) "If this motion will persist or if it were a fact, the three young Mapuche-all now on parole, they could not continue normal life every child, the same has been overshadowed by being charged by the Patriot Act to the sound of a single testimony of a protected witness. "
late last year, the priest Luis García-Huidobro alerted us to a Common Sense column on the processing of three young Mapuche under the wing of the Terrorism Act (LAT). The Commissioner for Human Rights Rapporteur on Children of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) on his visit to Chile in 2009 he realized his concern on the topic noted the violation of Articles 1.1, 2, 5, 7 and 19 of the American Convention on Human Rights, which deals with standards and measures for the protection of the interests of the child as well as other rules set out in international instruments for the implementation and administration of juvenile justice. Despite this, the application disproportionate and unrelated to the agreements between the Executive and representatives of the Mapuche political prisoners continues to set the reality.
As if there was sufficient international concern in the implementation of LAT in Mapuche cases, assuming the low credibility that the Government has in the matter, members of the National Renewal bench-looking spend the same bait and erasing the past, have filed a parliamentary motion that would replace the second paragraph of Article 149 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CPP), which regulates the prohibition of parole in cases specified by law: situations that, due to gravity, involving the freedom of defendant a risk to society.

The idea of \u200b\u200bbanning a measure with exceptional features to establish it as general rule in certain cases seems to be the dream of the boy in criminal law matters. Do not forget that they themselves, lovers of repression, who devised what is now known as short agenda to date has done nothing to disguise the old detention on suspicion by the sharp and trained eyes of our police forces. Of course, as if prejudice weighing in Chile. The core of the motion, in the words of the project is that "there is no justification for the legislature has not included in the aforementioned provision [Article 149 of the CPP] related crimes and terrorist acts of money laundering , which assume equal more severe or unfair to those who were originally built. " According

, as long as terrorism does exist in Chile.

While no criminal retroactivity of the law unless they benefit the accused (Article 19, No. 3 of the Constitution), the concern is the political use that for some time, not only with Piñera government but also governments of the Concertación, has made this LAT which, incidentally, is a clear remnant of the authoritarian enclaves that still govern our society, and what about our Constitution.
Between Marx and Althusser would say that the law is that tension we must win. To the beat of our legislators, the construction of this cultural phenomenon as the right increasingly farther from its social content. The rationale for its application to more disadvantaged sectors of our society seems to illustrate clearly how power is exercised from the top down violently. It would be strange to talk of a rebellion or civil disobedience against this disastrous scenario.
If this motion will persist or if it were a fact, the three young Mapuche-all now on parole, they could not continue the normal life of every child, the same has been overshadowed by being charged the LAT to the sound of a single testimony of a protected witness. Historic debt circumvent political rigor applied through a law or take advantage of their situation to strengthen weak regulation and distant international standards, such as the LAT, there seems to be at the level of democracy that the country expects. Progress in this area lies in understanding that terrorism does not exist in Chile and, if any, is only economic.

Tuesday February 15, 2011 - Declare permissible remedy for protection filed by street of ethnic origin. (Posted by Carolina Mardones Hugo Information is biobio Oviedo-radio-wmft) The Temuco Appeals Court declared admissible the application for protection filed by about 50 vendors Mapuche, appealing to the ILO Convention 169, to reverse the mayor's action to eradicate the established street vendors in downtown roads of the city.
The lawyer representing the vendors, Jaime Madariaga, welcomed the court decision, ensuring that it complies with the ratification of this international convention.
The municipality's legal director, Juan de Dios Fuentes, said they are reassured that the measure is not intended to affect the native peoples of the country. Thus
the Municipality of Temuco has a period of 8 days to submit new reports that will enable ministers to discuss the Court of Appeals on this point.
In any case, there is no injunction, so the street Mapuche can not agree to sell their products at the center of Temuco.
These announcements were made part of the presentation of the first draft of the new Mall Temuco, which seeks to install 180 street traders, whose investment is estimated at around 2 billion pesos, to be financed by the Regional Government. ------

Tuesday February 15, 2011 - Mapuche communities of Araucania support claims of Rapa Nui . (Radio-Jonathan Flores biobio Information is Susana Gallardo-wmft) Mapuche communities of Araucania supported the demands of Rapa Nui, urging the government not to make the same mistakes that made the coalition with indigenous conflict.
After the meeting held in Panguipulli Mapuche leaders, showed their support for the Rapa Nui, by appealing to resist in place, criticized the militarization and repression by the Chilean state address this conflict.

Marileo Sunday, Mapuche leader, said the state has violated the ancestral rights, without observing the lifestyles and customs of Rapa Nui, also made a call on the government not to repeat the mistakes they made with the Mapuche people .
This support occurs in the context of tense relations with the islanders with the government of Sebastián Piñera, rejecting the arrival of the minister of education Joaquin Lavin, who would lead the procession to reach the island with the aim of establishing a dialogue.
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February 14, 2011 - Chile and its colonial policy in Rapa Nui. (José Aylwin, co-director of Citizen-wmft Observatory).
The press has reported extensively in the last hour of the processes used against various clans rapa nui for alleged non-violent theft offenses and / or violation dwelling and threats as a result of the occupation that since last August have Easter Island made goods that ancestrally belong to them and whose legal ownership today holds the State or individuals. Also been reported, although not with the same diligence with regard to disproportionate violence, evictions of those clans made by police, the last of which occurred on Sunday, February 6 and affected Hitorangui clan, who occupied the Hotel Hanga Roa, now in private hands after its privatization by the state.


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