Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Kates Playground 2010 Watch Online

Declaration and conclusions of the Third Wallmapu Futa trawün in the lof-mapu Mary Trecanahuel Panguipulli-Huillimapu. Ban Ki-moon

Declaration and conclusions of the Third Wallmapu Futa trawün in the lof-mapu Mary Trecanahuel Panguipulli-Huillimapu.
Mapuche authorities gathered in the community sector Trecanahuel Mary Jhon-Nawe Panguipulli Huillimapu on days 11 and 12 February 2011 to inform our nation Mapuche and national and international public opinion as follows:
The Meliwitrán of Wallmapu besides our brothers and sisters of Pikun mapu (Santiago) with Ancient authorities, leaders, students and community members who have been calling this car trawün Futa underscore the conviction of women and men in the spirit of unity to move towards rebuilding our nation Mapuche and a participatory and collective political project of our First Nation.
emphasize the reunion of our ancient authorities both women and men who participated during the two days of trawün, despite the heavy rain that fell moments amid the high mountains of Maria Trecanahuel community that surrounded the place of the meeting .
reaffirm one more time the process of unity that has been going through the incorporation of new communities based on the coordination the Futa trawün and in practice is a major step forward which seeks the exercise of our collective rights as a nation we have thousands of years.
This was a great meeting in continuation of the agreements of the first and second Futa trawün conducted in different regions of the Mapuche people.
was also made in a place of great historical significance in that there was severe fighting has mid-seventeenth century with the English Army and the Chilean army was remembered as a historical introduction by Peter Lloncón Huilliche lonko our Mapuche territory .
note that the current Chilean government gives no solution to the historic demands of our people Mapuche nation and nations from the country.
live in permanent conflict, threats and harassment in our scarce land for private companies, landowners and the Chilean police. They threaten our ancient and cultural rights to live in our territories, in an environment free of pollution, economic freedom, education, not terrorism or state forest enterprises, hydroelectric plants, airports, pipelines, hazardous waste, mining, landfills, warehouses exploit fishing on all forms of marine life, work and power source of our people.
on the foregoing, it is agreed:
1 .- Demand that the government Sebastián Piñera fulfill its commitment to historical reparation made during the presidential campaign he spoke of the purchase, restoration and return of land one hundred communities that were pending from the previous government and continue the process of repair as well as continued mentioning in international forums like the UN and Europe.
At the same time we call to establish a genuine dialogue with officials and Mapuche leaders representing, in order to improve the relationship between the two companies and concrete and definitive solutions to this historical problem. Express
also support the right of territorial recovery via the facts of each community in need.
2 .- We reject the constitutional recognition of indigenous peoples that the president has submitted to Parliament. We demand that there be consultation pursuant to Article 6 of ILO Convention 169 and not through Conadi as this is a state agency.
3 .- We continue to advance our Mapuche political project and we think it necessary and urgent to build a broad partnership with all social movements that are victims of denial of our individual and collective rights to change the current system of injustice and suffering submitted to us. We continue to support the reformulation of the Constitution of Chile and Argentina through a Constituent Assembly. We propose a multinational and multicultural state and respect for existing treaties and parliaments.
3 .- We demand full compliance with the implementation of ILO Convention 169 and the subscription by the Chilean and Argentine state of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. 4 .-
trawün Futa take steps and actions necessary to fully safeguard our political, cultural, territorial and customary.
reiterate the call to our Mapuche nation not to be fooled by thinking outside of our culture through developmental plans that do not solve the underlying problem is the recovery of our country, spiritual sustenance, economic, political and cultural life of our people's nation. 5 .-
delivers broad support for their struggle for territorial and cultural rights of the brothers of Rapa-Nui. We demand the government to respect for their ancestral rights. 6 .-
reaffirms the contents of the letter on the rejection of Forest Certification Wood Mininco that was given to the audit committee, FSC in January 2011. (See: )
7 .- welcomes the release of some political prisoners and demand the release of all the hostages on trial for the defense of the Mapuche territory, our worldview and requires demilitarization of communities.

8 .- We reiterate the call on our people to achieve Mapuche nation unite in one thought with the aim of winning our freedom with our territory and all forms of ancient life (Itrofilmongén) and has performed in all sectors and regions Mapuche all trawün needed to strengthen that unity.

9 .- reaffirm our earlier decisions made on the hill Ñielol of Temuco (see: ) Tirúa Meeting (see: http://futatrawun.blogspot .com/2011/01/declaracion-segundo-wallmapu-futa.html ) and Open Letter Chilean President ( ).

! Continuing the Struggle for the reconstruction of the territory of the Mapuche nation
! Out polluters, murderous and predatory our Territory
! Freedom has all the brothers kidnapped by the Chilean and Argentine state Fraternally
authorities and community leaders of our Wallmapu Mapuche.

Antonio Cadin: Werke Community Paillalef
Juan José Miguel Malo: Juana
Lonko Calfunao Budi Community: Community Lonko Ricardo Juan Paillalef
Nahuelpi: Swamp Community
David Huenumilla: Community Loncoche Marileo
Sunday: National Assembly Mapuche de Izquierda
Adolfo Millabur: Identity Lafkenche
Huentemilla Ema: Jimena
Painequeo Loncoche Community: Community Erica Puerto Saavedra
Paillán: St. Joseph Community
Loncoche Millao: National Association Ad-Mapu Mapuche Mario
Mila: Shared Loncoche
Miguel Catrilaf: Community Panguipulli
Manuel Painequeo:
Lumaco Mayor Cristina Moya Huentemilla: Community Loncoche
Manuel Llancaleo Caniuman: Community
Puerto Saavedra Eduardo Cayupi: Union Leonardo
Lumaco communities Calfuleo: Lonko of Budi lake region
Ronier Pailahueque: Shared Victoria Sofia
Painequeo: Humberto Paillaleo
Lumaco Community: Shared Purén Arthur Cona
: Groups Mapuche in Santiago. Luís
Aillapan: Juan Calfukura Lonko community of Antonio Vidal Painen
LafkenMapu: Werken Malalwe lof. Leoncio
Llancao Community: Victor Millan - Blanca Flor Colil
Lumaco Lepuman - Community: North Calcoy Cayuman José Manuel Muñoz
Hector Guzman President. Lafquenche Relun community. - Juanita
Lumaco Manquecura: Maria Community lahuentuchefe Trecanahuel
Pedro Lloncón: Maria Community Lonko Trecanahuel
Evaristo Curical: Councilman Lonquimay Pehuenche

Given in Wallmapu, Maria Community Trecanahuel, Panguipulli Huillimapu February 12, 2011.

email: ------------------
Mapuche Trial Cañete: Prosecutor insists on anti-terrorism law and government re-calls to ordinary crimes.
More than three months after the beginning of the trial against the 17 Mapuche processed by the prosecutor Mario Elgueta attack and other crimes, the legal process seems to be coming to an end. This week take place in the Oral Tribunal of the allegations Cañete closing stage prior to the final ruling that will decide the future of indigenous peoples.

crucial week Cañete trial has begun. After extensive research for more than two years hanging over the 17 Mapuche linked to the recovery of land near Lake Lleu Lleu, the closing arguments of the parties involved are making the final stage of the process.

The legal body that develops during these days in the Court of Cañete is to define the authenticity of the evidence presented during the process and present the possible objections on what it has taken over the investigation.

"In these cases there is evidence against it are the ones to test the effectiveness of crime, participation and other circumstances surrounding the crime. And the conclusion we reached is that the Public Ministry has failed to establish by the evidence introduced, or participation or circumstantial relation of events, "forward Victoria Fariña, defense counsel for the Mapuche.

During the day yesterday kicked off the closing arguments the prosecutor's statements Andres Cruz, who reaffirmed his stance on terrorist nature of the crimes committed by the Indians.

"We believe we have acted consistently and responsibly throughout this trial, making counts of the indictment with a series of evidence, reports expert, technical background and witness accounts of victims and witnesses of these events, "he argued in his long exposure.

As pointed out by the prosecutor in charge of the allegations, "is an indisputable fact that from mid 2005 through the first half of 2009, Lleu Lleu area was the scene of countless criminal act and violent actions."

In the first closing argument of the case, said Hector Cruz Llaitul (pictured) is the leader of the illegal organization that has done most of the fires in the region and timber theft Mininco Forest and Mario Elgueta attack during fiscal 2008.

After extensive sustained hunger strike by 34 Mapuche during the past year, the government pledged to withdraw the complaints under the Terrorism Act to continue in the prosecution for ordinary crimes. In addition, ending the double jeopardy that attempts to prosecute Indians by military and civilian. However, prosecutors ignored those decisions and to continue the application process under the controversial law, also criticized by human rights bodies.

"The Public Ministry is a local political persecution is the Chilean State, is the Frankenstein of the Criminal Procedure Reform, because it is a monster without supervision. We endorse all responsibility for prosecutors. They are the mighty of the persecution of the Mapuche and the state washes its hands saying no bearing on them, "said Hector Llaitul to Radio Universidad de Chile.

In this sense, one of the most striking of the trial has been the lead in the accusations by the public prosecutor, Andrew Cross, who has gained more importance than the defenders of the forest companies and other private actors to cause.

"He asked each one of the application the Terrorism Act for each of the crimes, "said Pamela Pessoa, Llaitul family. "It gave validity to the testimony of all witnesses secrets, including the testimony of the brothers Viluñir. He had no practical impact they have made these public statements. "

On the case of the brothers Viluñir, Pessoa made reference to both faiths issued a month ago who said they had been forced to testify against the Mapuche defendants.

"I was told to talk and I said that I should not say anything, if I knew nothing. Did I say there's die? Vai "to talk or not? (Sic). Got one, took the gun and loaded it. Then I began to mourn and tortured me, "was one of the statements Viluñir Rodrigo, who was then only 17 years.

Accusations Viluñir brothers were rejected because they did not initiate a formal complaint against the prosecutor. "The testimony of the brothers was accepted by the Tribunal as part of the test. At no time was considered that they had made this complaint, because they called for legal action, "said Pessoa. "There are other people who influenced them not to make complaints, in fact we have many doubts about it."


During the day yesterday was the surprise change of government prosecuting attorney, Rodrigo Piergentili, who was replaced by Guillermo Leyton, in a gesture positively evaluated by the Mapuche. "The government lawyer had shown racist attitudes and actually rather than help in some things was difficult. We believe it is a small gesture, "said Natividad Llanquileo, who acted as a spokesperson in the hunger strike and participated actively in the trial in Cañete.

As pointed out by Llanquileo, "when he had to adhere to the test of Ministry Public, the other lawyer joined together, this meant that continuing to implement the Patriot Act. That is not consistent with the withdrawal of the complaints made by the government. "

Meanwhile, after his turn today in closing arguments, the new counsel of the Ministry of Interior requested the reclassification of terrorist crimes charges. Leyton said that despite being unsure of the authenticity of the crimes they are accused, the Government believes that these non-terrorist nature.

addition, during the course of the day the exhibition will be held Mininco company, which eventually give way to the allegations by the defense indigenous defendants. Thus, the judges and will be able to make the decision that will end the long-running lawsuit against the Mapuche in Cañete.

By Vanessa Vargas Rojas-The Citizen

Mapuche conflict. By Sergio Neira *
CHILE-Conception: The genesis of the so-called Mapuche conflict goes back to the arrival of English conquistador Don Pedro de Valdivia in 1550, to what today is known as the region of Bio Bio. This town called Mapuche [people of the land], opposed the invader an unprecedented and fierce resistance which culminated in the death of Pedro de Valdivia Tucapel battle. Nonetheless continued a string of battles and skirmishes, until in 1641 the Parliament called Quillín, sealed an international treaty, as it involves the English Crown and the Mapuche, which determines the main parts border in the Rio Bio Bio, and grants the territory south of the river to the Mapuche, while the commercial relationship between both nations.

The independence of Chile to the English domination, radically changed the coexistence between Chilean and Mapuche, sparking the mid-nineteenth century, a war of extermination which culminated in 1883 with the destruction of more than half Mapuche population, the fit of 90% of its territory and the theft of a considerable amount of its mass density and the razing of their crops at the hands of the Chilean army. In later years, is dying a significant number of Mapuche result of disease, hunger, clashes with the police, the army and the settlers who came to occupy their land. Euphemistically to this process of territorial occupation was known as "Pacification of Araucania"

The occupation of Mapuche territory, resulted in the accumulation of wealth through the indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources and hand force. Parallel to the fragmentation of their community domains, begins the formation of the large estate of forest enterprises and the incorporation of transnational companies, which together take advantage of abundant natural resources, energy and tourism. The most visible aspect of this position are territorial forestry companies, which are embedded in ancestral Mapuche territory, have cornered the Mapuche plantations of pine and eucalyptus forest, degraded croplands and drying their springs and underground fresh water.

The incursion of a new generation of Mapuche, very young and a higher level of education, including several university studies, aware that his people have been impoverished, losing their culture, their language, their cosmogony, have rallied in the Arauco-Malleco coordinator called [CAM] to direct the fight to recover their ancestral lands and save their culture. They are the persecuted, terrorized, tortured, murdered in the back, by the Chilean state apparatus, which has militarized the conflict areas in the state police, who unleashed terror mobilizing troops, paving the communities, firing tear gas, triggering the body pellets rubber and metal, without excluding children and elderly women. These youth are the leaders of today, following in the footsteps of his ancestors, claiming the people Mapuche. These are the current Mapuche Political Prisoners.

Sergio Neira *, Concepción
Consul for Poets of the World:
-------- Monday February 14, 2011 14:46
Lonko Calfunao Piñera broker asks President to visit his daughter asylum in Switzerland. (radio-Erasmo biobio Tauran is Information wmft Hugo Oviedo) The lonko Calfunao Juana Rosa, who was over 4 years in prison, asked the president to remove Sebastián Piñera mediate the precautionary measure of national attachment so you can travel abroad to be reunited with her daughter, exiled in Switzerland.

To Regional Municipality came lonko Calfunao Juana Rosa, who is on probation after spending 4 years in prison in the women's prison in Temuco for assault on the authority, in order to deliver a letter to President Piñera enabling it to leave the country.

Calfunao said her daughter needs to see Relmutray Cadin Calfunao only 13 years, who is in political asylum in Switzerland, after his entire family was imprisoned in La Araucanía.
Mapuche authority requested the Government to rule on the prosecution that would be made against members of their community and that they thought would end once the period of the Coalition.

also seeking the return of 120 acres to the Conadi demand.
Puelmapu-Chubut: Found place was fought the last battle of the Campaign to the Desert '(Avkin PIVKA-Komunikación Mapu Mapuche - 31en2011 -
avkinpivkemapu @ yahoo. -the-wmft chubut)

During research for a documentary on longko Inacayal, find the place where they were tolderías Foyel and exact location of which was the starting point of the last battle of the Desert Campaign, known as "The disbandment of Genoa." The task was carried out by the director Reynaldo Rodriguez (El Bolson), for the realization of a documentary on Inacayal, longko Mapuche although the production is called "Inacayal, the last chief Tehuelche."

The documentary film is the direction of Reynaldo Rodriguez, screenplay by Jorge Sanchez and Oscar Giménez in production.

"Inacayal, the last chief Tehuelche" was awarded in the competition "We" by the National Institute of Films for digital TV and will be aired on state television.

With the support of the School of Design Studies, which is held in the headquarters El Bolson National University Black River, and which students are the director and screenwriter of this project is carried out the research that led Reynaldo Rodriguez to make contact with laws, procedures and institutions that currently relate to the history of this singular chief. Current law allows return his remains to the place of origin, and the government of Chubut manages the return of remains complementary.

Contributions of Mayors, as the same descendants of the caciques, possible to reconstruct the history of this region of dream, that passion to carrying forward the project.

Reynaldo Rodriguez tells about the task he undertook some time ago, "is a documentary that grew out of research in recent years of the Conquest of the Desert, the closure is called the Conquest of the Nahuel Huapi and Andes.

The film answers the question of what situation native peoples were at that historic moment. "
"This research leads to a very important figure as the chief Inacayal, which happens to be a of the last bosses.

This character is built near what is now San Carlos de Bariloche, and who is in the year 1881 in this place when they reach the troops of General Villegas. "

"We began to recreate the story and this leads us to know Tecka, a beautiful town in the province of Chubut, where they are at this point the remains of Chief Inacayal, in a small mausoleum."

"Through the law created by Senator Hipólito Solari Yrigoyen move to their place of origin remains the chief, the first of a series of refunds that began to be held in Argentina."

"Also from research we know the law 25,517, which states the duty to return human remains and ceremonial elements of indigenous people to their communities of belonging. "

"Research we Tecka, according to the data reported by the expert Francisco Moreno, who is a Inacayal In 1880, the second issue that makes the Nahuel Huapi from the Atlantic coast, finding awnings and Inacayal Foyel ".

"To achieve a correct historical account of the documentary look at what moment Inacayal delivery and how it subsequently comes to the Museo de La Plata."

"In the area Chubut steppe a final battle is fought within the Conquest of the Desert, known as the rout of Genoa, which is just find and that determines where were the tolderías of Inacayal and Foyel. "

"We also have data provided by Lt. Col. Fontana, in the expedition that made the riflemen, who tolderías located geographically, as well as photographic records have been made." SEARCH THE EXCITING

"The first day of searching we had the valuable participation of Mayor Jose de San Martin, Mr. Beltran Beroqui, who along with his wife, his son and another associate, traveled 12 kilometers up to total certainty the place where the tolderías settled. "

"Tracking carefully increasingly find cans, plates, some arrowheads and other items that clearly show us that we stand in the place where the sheets were produced and where the rout of Genoa."

"The site is located approximately 5,000 meters east of km. 1540 National Route 40. within a room, which allowed us to enter without any problem. "

"There, we could confirm the location through the story of a peasant, who worked Don Olegario for over 50 years in this area, and proved to be great-grandson of Chief Sayhueque. This fellow said that there were always things like necklaces Mapuche and several spears, among other things. "

"This reassures us, along with the logic of the Mayor and staff who accompanied us on the first day of the search, the more the geographic coordinates, which in the case of the exact latitude recorded by Fontana, have given the place of this historic event. " CONTINUITY

"This work, like a good documentary is in development and research. Every time we come to a data confirms and gives us other details important, they will break new ground. It has two very clear, one of them is research where we will show some of the search conducted in this area of \u200b\u200bJosé de San Martín, and other recreation is putting much emphasis on respect for the garments, as well as how to talk, because at that time spoke a mixture of Mapuche and Tehuelche. The idea is to be faithful to the story from 1884 and historical data that we have with complete certainty. Used as a source the expert Francis P. Moreno, Vignati to Onelli, also Musters, who had contact with Foyel Inacayal. We try to find original sources to reconstruct the history of what happened with Inacayal. Today, the documentary points directly to the chiefs, because you can not tell the story of Inacayal without Foyel history, or of Sayhueque. They are all very close, and were also relatives because Inacayal married a daughter of Sayhueque. This situation came to unite the Mapuche Tehuelches and very strongly, and this gives identity of Confederation, which is also stated in parliament that led later to make decisions in the war against whites. "

Today, research continues. For any information that contributes to the historical reconstruction, as well as members of indigenous peoples who wish to participate as actors and actresses, can communicate with the filmmakers to the following email: . Cell production from 02944 to 15 636 322.

also clarifies that the elements found in the field were left in the custody of the municipality of José de San Martín, Province of Chubut, in order to assemble a sample that retrieves the local history.

Judgement on the Ecuador-Chevron-Texaco, a triumph of humanity. For Alberto Acosta.
"Civilization does not suppress the barbarism, the perfect." Voltaire

"The most anticipated decision in the last 17 years has just been launched." With those words, spread the news. Nicolas Zambrano, Judge of the Court of Nueva Loja, acknowledged that the U.S. company Chevron-Texaco is guilty of social and environmental destruction it caused in the Ecuadorian Amazon during its 26 years of operation. The damage done by Chevron-Texaco far surpasses the destruction caused the BP in the Gulf of Mexico. The judge ruled that the Chevron-Texaco should pay at least 8 billion dollars damage. The Court further finds also that the U.S. should apologize transnational public in Ecuador and the U.S. to the victims for the crime. Failure to do so within 15 days, the economic amount payable is more than double to 16 billion dollars. This is, undoubtedly, another powerful sign of the sentence ... the money is not everything!

The history of this case is long ...

Since the second half of the sixties, the oil industry, which began with Texaco in partnership with the Gulf, have been violated massively biodiversity and the welfare of population of Amazonia. Indigenous communities and settlers have suffered countless atrocities at their most basic rights in the name of the mythical being of the entire population.

With this ruling the discourse on the importance of the region as a provider of financial collapses to the reality of a system that's seen only by the revaluation of its natural resources in terms of accumulation of capital, especially transnational, even when such activities endanger life. This has been one of the greatest follies of the curse of the abundant natural resources ....

For indigenous peoples of the Ecuadorian Amazon, the clash with Western civilization, at its worst oil company, has meant a radical change in his life and even loss of life. Not only these people, even the settlers in the northern Amazon region of Ecuador have been a number of assaults on their basic rights. It is noteworthy that the levels of poverty in the Amazon, especially in the oil provinces of Sucumbios and Orellana, are higher than in the rest of the country.

resistance Amazonian communities flourished to become a legal claim of international significance. It is known the "Trial of the Century" that led, for 18 years, communities and settlers affected by the activities Oil company Chevron-Texaco (Texpet, Ecuador). It is worth remembering that this resistance arose the clamor for a moratorium on oil drilling in south central Ecuadorian Amazon, which covered the emergence of the Yasuni-ITT Initiative.

The arguments presented against Chevron-Texaco are clear: the company had direct responsibility for the environmental impacts of oil exploitation occurred, which have affected not only nature but also evidence of health consequences of the population. Zambrano Judge of the Court of Nueva Loja, overcoming all sorts of pressure from the Chevron-Texaco and lawyers, has reason to the plaintiffs.

With this trial, regardless of its outcome, it sets a precedent to prosecute one of the world's most powerful oil companies, who worked between 1964 and 1990 in the Ecuadorian Amazon. During that time, the company drilled 339 wells by 430,000 hectares. To remove approximately 1,500 million barrels of oil, poured billions of barrels of production water and waste, and burned trillion cubic feet of gas.
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