Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Aventura Valencian Institute of Music (IVM)

Overview of IVM

3D model image
The Instituto Valenciano de la Música was created on April 29, 1999, following approval of the Valencian Parliament Valencian Law of Music, and began operations on January 1, 2000. The IVM has powers include the protection and dissemination of the musical heritage of Valencia, the promotion of musical associations and the projection of musical culture beyond Valencia.

This model, like the previous one got belongs to the environment Viriato Square, in the neighborhood of Velluters of Valencia. The truth is that he has many elements or details of modeling (the plant is basically extuída) so I tried that textures have a greater role, giving them more definition that I use. You could say that in this case bear the full weight of the model.

I still have to make some buildings on the environment, so I guess it take to hang a model for this area. The idea that I have is to 'close' the square. Right now what is posted on Google Earth are building something rude in form and texture. While these models are suitable for large or medium scale (as seen in the video that made Google's 3D Valencia), when you zoom to see them lose their value detail.

3D model of IVM in Galería3D
The truth is that lately, at the time of modeling the idea appeals to me more develop sets of buildings. Sometimes, if there is about a suitable environment, much as detailing a model will not look much as they would surrounded by other models with the same level of detail. Funny how a model of feedback which is about being benefited in some cases even also hurt others.

Furthermore idea also led to a model with the square furniture (lamps, banks ...). To date I have not made any model of this type so we'll see what comes of all this.

already completed by today, already is getting me a post a little long and boring not a question of staff. I said, soon you should see a model for that same area.


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