Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To Catch Legendary In Pokemon Deluge


The Mall Gran Turia welcomes from 11 February until 2 April, the great annual exhibition celebrating the Valencian Association of Illustrators . This year, under the title ADVENTURE PAPER, 100 illustrators have given life to the most famous adventure stories of the history of literature. One of these illustrators is José Luis Agreda , regular contributor to the newspaper The Country and weekly humor On Thursday, that for illustration used one of SketchUp models that I have hanging on the Galeria3D . A couple of weeks ago I published a post talking about it.

This afternoon I happened to see the exhibition and incidentally, to make a couple of photos. There are illustrations very worker (Sinbad the Sailor is the bomb) and great variety of styles and techniques. As curiosity I can say that as a promotion, have made some stickers of the illustrations in the exhibition and of Agreda is one of the works chosen for it. I've taken a few souvenir: P


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