Thursday, March 10, 2011

Stillman's Freckles Cream

Barcelona German Pavilion

Designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe , the German pavilion for the Exposition Universal held in Barcelona in 1929 can only be described as a masterpiece. Built from glass, travertine and different kinds of marble, the pavilion was designed to accommodate the official reception presided over by King Alfonso XIII with the German authorities. At the close of the exhibition, was dismantled in 1930. Over time it became a landmark in the history of both Mies and for the entire twentieth century architecture, considered as the centerpiece of the Modern Movement (but really modern, not like gafapastas ).


a couple of days ago I was browsing Google Earth and I was surprised to see that there was no model under conditions (which had was Pretty thin), so I decided to model my own version. I've been able to open, so that you can walk through it and see its original furniture (a very simplified version). Being able to model the interior has been partly thanks to Trasancos , who gave me a couple of advice to make slides for GE.

This was the first model I made in Barcelona and the first internal modeling conducted for GE, although it has been the thorn in the absence of the sculpture represented Georg Kolbe, but I promise to do it in a future model (I looks like Valve announcing DLC \u200b\u200b ).



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