Monday, December 27, 2010

Congratulation Japanese

13 - Micah

Micah - Laurell K. Argument

There are many reasons to raise the dead, some are private, some public. In this case, FBI agents have a witness who died before he could testify.

resurrect want to take a statement. So here I am, on a plane bound for Philadelphia, flying for my job.

But I'm not alone. Micah is with me. Micah, the leader of the pack of male leopard St. Louis. A king for my queen. The only one of my lovers who can warm my blood with a single glance of your cat's eyes. I'm happy to have him by my side ... Until

mentioned that this would be our first time alone together. No Lord of the Vampires. No alpha wolf.

Micah and I just ... and all my fears and doubts.


Translation by the group Legends Dark


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