Friday, January 28, 2011

New Heather Brooke Deep Throat

IMM - In My Mailbox [4]

Well, now that I finished exams (after several weeks overwhelmed) there is nothing better to relax than go shopping in the sales to get a few bargains.

The first two were on offer:

- Pepa La Loba , Charles G.
Reigosa did not know him, but I caught because the description the cover looks good, and besides it seems history is based on a real historical character of our country (a flagship of vandoleros Finisterre)

- The Warrior of the Night, Alexis Morgan
This is one of the I have met many books and read through the work of translators in the network and I usually buy when I get the chance (for they say that free downloads hurt book publishers and their markets, rather it is getting them free advertising)

The last book is one that had waited a couple of years:

- The dream of the gods, by Javier Negrete
This came out before for Christmas but I could not buy so far is the third in a series that hooked me a couple of summers ago and one of the few books of epic-fantasy theme with national authorities, a series of books that I discovered in role and I prefer to wait to buy them to read them (a tradition, I guess)


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