Saturday, January 29, 2011

Coolrom Pokemon Colosseum

New Chapter -" GoE " 04 - Darkness Unveiled [7]

And after this long wait here are Chapter 7, from now back to normal rhythm. Sorry for the delay.

Go to last translated

Friday, January 28, 2011

New Heather Brooke Deep Throat

IMM - In My Mailbox [4]

Well, now that I finished exams (after several weeks overwhelmed) there is nothing better to relax than go shopping in the sales to get a few bargains.

The first two were on offer:

- Pepa La Loba , Charles G.
Reigosa did not know him, but I caught because the description the cover looks good, and besides it seems history is based on a real historical character of our country (a flagship of vandoleros Finisterre)

- The Warrior of the Night, Alexis Morgan
This is one of the I have met many books and read through the work of translators in the network and I usually buy when I get the chance (for they say that free downloads hurt book publishers and their markets, rather it is getting them free advertising)

The last book is one that had waited a couple of years:

- The dream of the gods, by Javier Negrete
This came out before for Christmas but I could not buy so far is the third in a series that hooked me a couple of summers ago and one of the few books of epic-fantasy theme with national authorities, a series of books that I discovered in role and I prefer to wait to buy them to read them (a tradition, I guess)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


You are 100!

As you can see the blog has reached the 100 fans (I still I think we're much ^ ^) and here you tod @ s those who have made this possible, thank you for continuing our work and leave your comments.

To celebrate, I decided to create a Facebook page where you want to enter, leave their opinions and talk to the wall. The truth is that I'm new at handling the Facebook and in principle does not convince me, so I'll put a poll to see if you think good idea or not, and while we see that this leaves the page.

For those who want to spend this is the address: ( # / pages/-Grupo-Inferno-/184194334944319? V = wall ) or writing in the form (group inferno) will recognize because the logo is the same as the header of the blog / page at the moment has nothing to waiting to take some time to learn how to manage and edit.

Those concerned by the apparent inactivity of the blog, do not worry or despair, the problem is that I am at time of final exams. I hope by February to resume the normal rhythm of translation (the translator is still working at your pace, it's me that has the backlog of work yet to correct: S) So, I apologize and patience.

Greetings and thanks to everyone s

Monday, January 24, 2011

Tinea Versicolor And Zinc

The D'Artagnan of Agreda

José Luis Agreda Seville is an illustrator who published part of their jobs through the newspaper El Pais or weekly On Thursday . The illustration below has made for an exhibition of the Association Valencia Professional Illustrators (APIV) .

Drawing by José Luis Agreda.

Well, the fact is that the picture is set in Valencia, particularly on the balcony of City Hall. For its implementation has used a building model that I have hanging on the Galería3D . The truth is I'm glad both you have chosen one of my models as the final outcome of the artwork. The exhibition will be in Gran Turia Mall and will open on February 10.

View of the model used in the illustration.


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Wife Having Shower With Husband


2011 HAPPY A TOD @ S