Sunday, March 28, 2010

Cocky Quotes Of All Time

1031tensai edition

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Great blogs, great bloggers, great posts, and all I can offer is a waste award as a link ... but it's something ^ ^

The cycloid which is the shortest path? This post belongs to the Gaussian blog, the blog in general may seem a bit thick for those not stuck much inthe mates. But a blog is 100% recommended. This entry in particular is very entertaining, and a very good example of braquistocronía and tautocronía. Do not fail to read it!

Measure the speed of light in the blog house
2geek2curious A classic and not having no more subscribers, I always say, maybe it's because tickets ranging from recipes, to scientific curiosity , well as applications for PC or experiments, I dunno. What I do know is that this post is worth a subscription.
Maxwell's Demon and the price of forgetting the blog science stories stories of science, is another classic, Omale a crack, and simply would not be needed or that the link was here because I assume all you keep your blog, but I loved this post. You can read that at the beginning and " time ago I talked about the arrow of time which related to statistics and entropy: in any isolated system, entropy increases " and so think that is going to be super thick, but I assure you that Nothing is so, continues until the end of the article.

And these are the 3 of today. I left a lot Centpeus, Engadget, sieve, juandelacuerva (which again showed signs of life after delivery of the project engineer Lyd congratulations!), Etc etc


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