Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Fatal Error Verification Known Dll Windows 7

pressure regulators Interact! V

Can A Free Clinic Prescribe Viagra?

Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia (Valencia)

This building is one of the best known of the new architecture of Valencia. Usually generates fascination among tourists and visitors, but also raises concern (construction costs were almost double those initially planned, has had problems with flooding, etc). Still, is undeniable that it is an impressive building and very colorful. If we consult the Wikipedia, we read: "El Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia is the opera house in Valencia, home of the Orquesta de la Comunidad Valenciana. Is the work of architect Santiago Calatrava and is part of the architectural complex of the City of Arts and Sciences. It was inaugurated on October 8, 2005 and the first opera performed on October 25, 2006, choosing for the occasion Fidelio, Beethoven. "

Well, little by little, I have been modeling this building and I have it almost finished. Then leave some pictures of what is and what is left in SketchUp.

Updated 01/04/2010: A while ago I posted the model (finish, textured) in Galería3D .

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Cocky Quotes Of All Time

1031tensai edition

copyrighted image
Great blogs, great bloggers, great posts, and all I can offer is a waste award as a link ... but it's something ^ ^

The cycloid which is the shortest path? This post belongs to the Gaussian blog, the blog in general may seem a bit thick for those not stuck much inthe mates. But a blog is 100% recommended. This entry in particular is very entertaining, and a very good example of braquistocronía and tautocronía. Do not fail to read it!

Measure the speed of light in the blog house
2geek2curious A classic and not having no more subscribers, I always say, maybe it's because tickets ranging from recipes, to scientific curiosity , well as applications for PC or experiments, I dunno. What I do know is that this post is worth a subscription.
Maxwell's Demon and the price of forgetting the blog science stories stories of science, is another classic, Omale a crack, and simply would not be needed or that the link was here because I assume all you keep your blog, but I loved this post. You can read that at the beginning and " time ago I talked about the arrow of time which related to statistics and entropy: in any isolated system, entropy increases " and so think that is going to be super thick, but I assure you that Nothing is so, continues until the end of the article.

And these are the 3 of today. I left a lot Centpeus, Engadget, sieve, juandelacuerva (which again showed signs of life after delivery of the project engineer Lyd congratulations!), Etc etc

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pink Sticker On Cell Phone

How much energy awards shows humanity? Cathodic protection