Monday, November 29, 2010

Kelly And Heather Brooke

Levante EMV

The newspaper Levante EMV is the leading newspaper Community Valencia, now belongs to the editorial Prensa Ibérica. Currently, Levante-EMV six editions printed each day regional or provincial level, in addition to general, the most important of which is of Castellón de la Plana.

Updated : Raise The newspaper itself echoed the model and spent few lines in the edition of 30/11.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Blonde Or Brown For Summer?

radio interview (11/25/2010)

Yesterday I went to Valencia to Cadena COPE program So that morning in Valencia (OM) ", which made me a few questions related to the issue of voting a Super Modeler. The truth is that this week has been quite the media and the news Levante-EMV and now this interview, but I suppose such things as come, go. Then leave the audio if there is some unconscious who would listen the interview.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Difference Between A Phd And An Ma In Psychology

Valencia in three dimensions

Thus the paper entitled Levante-EMV-report a short interview in which he speaks a bit of some buildings I've made for Google Earth, the vote on Super modeler and the process of selection of 3D models. The truth is not expected to have much impact, much less appeared in the paper edition. I can only thank again all the attention (and they're needed!): Thanks again.

News: Http://

Friday, November 19, 2010

I Want Women To Tickle Me

the heat of a stove - more energy is lost to a good electrical conductor? (I)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How To Put Cock In Underwear

Nominated for 'Super Model'

This morning while I was doing a few things through the center of Valencia, I received a mail Trasancos in which I explained that I'm nominated for of Super Shaper Google Earth (Google provides a number of 'distinctive ' models, according to their level of production or the quality of their models.) Of the

November nominees, I'm surprised that most of them no longer have that status (in a particular case and I assumed they were Super Shapers). As I do not want to leave any of them, name them all here: Tang Huang, Damo , Eugeni Llopart, Polu , Saint Pall , TANTUNNY , chi-ko , Noboru and Trasancos (This list is almost like a Dream-Team!).

luck to all!
